CHNE (Certified Hardware Network Engineer)
- Semester1:
- 1.Fundamental of Computer
- 2.MS-Windows XP, Vista, 7
- 3.MS- Office (2007, 2010)
- 4.Internet Browsing & Technology
- 5.Introduction of Electronic (AC, DC)
- 6.Basic Electronics & Microprocessor
(Registence, Capacitor, Diode, Semiconductor, Coil, Transformer, Transistor, IC, etc.)
- 7.Soldering & Desoldering
- 8.Logic gates with detail
- 9.PC Architecture
- 10.Introduction of Data
- 11.Different type of Computer Case
- 12.PC Components (Mother Board, SMPS, RAM , HDD, FDD, etc.)
- 13.Expansion Cards (Sound, VGA, USB, SCSI, LAN etc.)
- 14.Optical Drive
- 15.Cables & Connectors
- 16.Assembling of PC
- 17.Printer (Dot Matrix, Inkjet , Laser jet etc.)
- 18.Operating System
- 19.Formatting (FAT, NTFS, Low Level, High Level, Zero Filling etc.)
- 20.Installation (Windows, Linux, Drives, Application Software etc.)